Why Medical Qigong should be your next big thing...

Kristin's first taste of qigong came just 3 days into her Acupuncture schooling. In addition to being hard to pronounce (CHEE GONG), she had thought the class was going to be kind of goofy, that is, until she met her first teacher Paul Fraser, L.Ac.

Paul was a "normal looking" guy who wasn't wearing tie dye and telling her to feel energy that wasn't there, he had short hair and khaki pants and sported a Boston accent. He knocked her socks off. He told of being 19 years old with terminal cancer, and how he learned qigong and received acupuncture and it all went away. He was so convinced of its awesomeness, he devoted his life to studying qigong and acupuncture, and his sister and best friend did the same.

At this point, Kristin knew she wanted to do the same, too.

So Kristin studied with Paul as much as she could. This meant observation hours at his clinic in Massachusetts when she visited her family for the Christmas holidays, it meant studying with him through three rounds of Qigong training programs, and it meant asking him questions. A LOT of questions. Luckily Paul answered.

He taught her the practice of qigong (which looks a lot like Tai Chi) and taught her how to build her own battery up so she could better serve others. He introduced her to his first teacher, Tom Tam, L.Ac. He also introduced her to Master Ou, who teaches what Kristin feels is the most powerful form of qigong called Pan Gu Shengong. It is the form Kristin practices almost exclusively. In 2008 Kristin was certified to teach the moving form of Pan Gu Shengong and, after years of devotion, in 2016 she was among a small group certified to teach the nonmoving form.

Who is qigong for? Everyone. It is a terrific compliment to acupuncture sessions to help a patient build up his or her own battery. It is a fantastic stand-alone treatment plan to work through ones challenges. Kristin would love to tell you more. Email her with questions or text to schedule a session to learn this form. Kristin teaches throughout Massachusetts as well as worldwide via FaceTime.

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